Welcome The!!!
We are so glad that you too have mustered up the courage to introduce yourself!!! Don't feel alone we too were afraid. Yes, you will and probably already have, read things you don't agree with or maybe even offensive. But not everyone here agrees with everyone elses viewpoint. And thats o.k. Its just nice to be able to express yourself. I swear it has really helped me. A kind of therapy of sorts. Just remember, the truth is 100% pure. And by a close examination, we will be only be faith strengthened, if it is indeed truthful. Right?? And if it isn't, well, it will become crystal clear. Then we must decide if we are lovers of truth, or lovers of tradition. It takes a real lover of Jehovah and a true Christian to stand up and say, I will not teach something I know to be untrue. Especially when you were raised in the organization. From my experience, and I was raised a very strong witness, check things you hear out. Don't take anyones word for it. But double check things. Afterall Jehovah expects his followers to "keep checking keep making sure". Then he adds, "hold fast to what is fine". We are here for you, and most here have been in your shoes. Just don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater". It is easy to just say forget it ALL! But hold onto the things you find that are accurate. Although, you are already questioning 1914, then I am sure you will be questioning many other things. You will find so many helpful friends here, as well as information you may need. Again, we are glad you are willing to make a examination.